2011년 12월 9일 금요일

Cystic Fibrosis - AP biology class material

Cystic fibrosis(=CF or mucoviscidosis)

This disease affects human. The symptoms of Cystic fibrosis mainly appear critically in the lungs, including the intestine, pancreas, and liver. The main cause of these harms on lungs and other organs is due to abnormal transport of sodium and chloride across epithelium, thus strengthening the viscosity of secretions. Usually the chloride transport channels are defective or even absent in the plasma membranes. As a result of the absence, extracellular chloride is thick. By the default in lungs’ functioning there comes difficulty in breathing and this is the most serious symptom that might lead to lung infections. These lung infections are hardly treated with, and it’s not cured by any antibiotics and other medications. Other symptoms are poor growth, infertility, diarrhea, and sinus infectionsaffect other parts of the body.
The mutated gene that causes CF occurs inside the protein called, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The symptoms in the main organs are due to malfunction of this gene in the CFTR, since this gene plays a crucial role regulating the components of digestive juices, sweat, and mucus. To block the expression of this disease, only one is needed to prevent cystic fibrosis, although most healthy people without CF have a pair of CFTR gene. In conclusion, CF is an autosomal recessive inheritance that develops when neither gene works properly.
CF occurs commonly among Caucasians; in the rate of one over 25 carries one allele that cause CF in European race. Ireland has high probability of CF in the unit of world; 2.98 per 10.000. It is a serious disease in Ireland and social problem since Ireland has the hugest proportion of families that have more than one child infected of CF.
.  For cystic fibrosis to occur by the point mutation there’s the deletion of gene. By the deletion of 3 base-pair deletion, there’s no frame shift. But one amino acid is missing- leading to the cystic fibrosis.
           The Biology (the book we use)

personal additional writing - What I want to eat!

It's the final term period which is a time our appetite increases sharply! And I am a bit like a gourmet when it comes to food. I always look for new things to eat and challenge on. I decided to post this as to calm down my appetite and also sharing it with others :)

1. Pond smelt
It's fish that looks like a minnow but thinner than normal minnows. I saw this introduced on TV as the delicacy(I cannot think of right word for Korean word Byeol Mi) of winter in Korea when I was really young. I really wanted to try, but there wasn't any chance to visit Chuncheon where is the right place for this food. But the saturday after exam, I asked my parents to visit and try this!! I am now really looking forward to eat it!

This is Pond smelt!

This is fried pond smelt!

They say we also eat it alive!!!! It may look a little savage. But as the sense of eating live octupus in Korea, it's not so wierd at all! Live octopus is one of beloved seafood in Korea!

2. Chilli con carne (Mexican food)
When I was in the Philippines, I had several times to eat this. And I couldn't forget how delicious it was! But since I live in a town south part of Korea, there's no Mexican food restaurant aroundㅠ.ㅠ

They say Chilli Con Carne is a basic food of Mexico when you want to cook another food.

Mexico looks developed with spice. Their food looks so delicious!

I wish this winter vacation, I can have a chance to eat diverse food. I want to experience various food cultures around the world. However, Korean food is the best! :)

#2 REVIEW - Restaurant in my town - Bentorang

I personally love to eat various countries various food! I really love to challenge on something new to eat! And this house was where I found real good. A japanese food restaurant!

It looks like this!

The basic serves: Miso soybean soup, Kimchi! and Soy souce with wasabi.

This bento was consisted of Gatsudonn and various fishballs! Some Sasimi too!

The choice was a lot! It was hard to choose!

This is hand made Goroke!

I ate in this restaurant until my tummy really pop up. I had nice time here! and I wish some other day I will have chance to try more bentos!

Mood 7/10
Food  9/10
Clean 7/10

Stuffs that KMLA students like!!!!!!

SNS - It's the core society of communication! Every information gets through this and where every students can write about their present state!

Music - It's where you can get consolation and link between souls! Every KMLA student has own taste and challenge for music!

the recent single of Korean famous singer IU  - YOU&I

Party! - Our school has 4 main parties! Every student loves parties and enjoys it passionately! And next coming up party after final is christmas party! YAY!

Reading Journal - The Body #2

To arrange, the Body reminds us of youth and innocence we once had that now all gone. We can feel universal nostalgic across generations by delegately expressed pre-teen boys' dialogues and sensitively touching emotional statements. As we watch them fall from innocence, we feel somehow sympathized of the process we also have walked through. As Stephen King illuminates all the emotional hurt characters, he offers us a chance to look on every each background tied up to as one. However, in the end, it's all a story of a writer's writing journey that has diminished and shraveled since exposed to the language. Consequently, we'll have to make up the diminished part as we translate the context into language in our heart.

The four boys, trying to take off the lable which the society forcefully tagged them, gathered around and measure each other's value and assure that they're alive. They have gathered in the tree house not due to any external force but by the core sense of friends. They knew each other and understood one another. A friendship that doesn't have to be calculated. As we age and learn to adapt in society, the chance to get those friendship sharply decreases-or might even be impossible to have. Gordie, who lost precious brother, looks out for some care from their parents; especially from his father, who naver shows any approvance for Gordie. Fornuately, Gordie meets Chris who can see through Gordie's talent and who sincerely tries hard to keep it. But the relation between the two boys varies in movie and the novel.

In the movie stand by me focuses more on the character Gordie, as a tragic hero, such that he holds the gun up bravely toward the Ace gang. In the novel, Gordie is more like a narrator and Chris gets the focus of tragic hero. But in both ways, we could feel the unexpressed movement beyond the scenes. They could put their mind on each other without any suspense. I was so sad that I can't have a friend like this indeed. Is it too late to have one like that or is it the world to blame? The line, "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, did you? (King, p.341)", deeply hurts my heart.

The friendship with Vern and Teddy vanished as their innocence peeled off. However, Chris and Gordie developed and kept their friendship as the innocence itself; they have outgrown innocence with sense of living and they got back to their innocence by meeting each other. They knew how to keep themselves cognitivie of threshold-all the pain and adventure. Those memories must have been the energy for them to keep strong in the cold winter of sadness. "Friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant, did you ever notice that? But when I think of that dream, the corpses under the water pulling implacably at my legs, it seems right that it should be that way (p.432)." shows how truthful they are to each other's respect of life.

Those boys get through the threshold of becoming an adult by facing death, a situation of frighten, and a place where their parents can't intervene. Additionally, the adventure under the name of "looking for a dead body" made them confront death and become honest to the accidentality, unfairness of world. The story couldn't directly tell us how they've changed or their words changed since it is expressless. However, we could see as they give up to possess the dead body "Not in this way." The season of autumm symbolizes harvest and preparation for a long winter. The fall from innocence-a threshold of adult-feels similar with the mood of autumm as the leaves fall and everything restults out for the next step.

Reading all the long story, I felt that I am not done crossing the threshold. I am still struggling between my late end of teenage and becoming an adult. I rather questioned my self how my threshold have been until now. I am now challenging on a long adventure how to form my innocence and keep it. Step by step, I am getting near to the level of adult and my life of mortaility. But still, I am young enough to keep my own value.

2011년 12월 1일 목요일

Reflective Essay - ESTA SOY YO

Esta Soy Yo!

Last Tuesday, I had to make a performance of singing with 4 friends due to activity assessment of Spanish. It was a nice time to prepare for the activity and to know my friends better. But it was not easy since I also had to do other requirements of quizzes and homework. But I have learned things that I would never learn from a book.
The title of our song was Esta Soy Yo which means, “this is me!”. The song starts with cheerful and sweet melodic voice, saying Esta Soy Yo. When I first heard that song, I fell in love immediately. It was so catchy and refreshing that we all together picked the song to sing. The first day we had chosen this song, we all dismissed to have time to get familiar with the song and memorize some of the lyrics for almost 1 week. During the week, I listened repeatedly and searched for translated lyrics to understand the song better. The lyrics were so impressive that I totally got hooked up by the song. To shortly introduce, it was about expressing oneself; trying to keep own judgments-regardless of what the world oppresses. Such that: “They say I am a book without any plot” “And this is me!”.
As the time passed, we met to divide own parts to sing and make some movements on the stage. First of all, we set our concept of performance: Acapella. We piled up some harmonious sounds of alto and soprano. It was greatly successful that it brought the effect of emphasizing and raising the effect of impression of saying “This is me!”. I have taken the part of alto, and I tried my best not to get astray of my note. We separated some parts and sang again and again. When I was singing, I felt like four of us are one with the melody. I was truly into the sound, beat that I sincerely sang from my heart with a big smile. Also, it felt like the lyrics were going through my soul that I unlocked the prison of rules and expressed myself as “This is me!”.
Day by day, we got closer to the end of preparation with better ideas and performance. Our harmony was almost perfect and beautiful that our friends who heard our singing praised us for pretty harmony. Our small movements and positioning got more natural. Even there were other people around, who were also practicing for the performance; we were all proud and confident that we sing loud and moved as we wanted. The melody and lyrics had embraced all our souls. We enjoyed the time made of music.
On the stage, we did nice performance; However, I can’t be satisfied. I wasn’t as brave as when we were practicing that I could not raise my voice enough for my alto part. I also lost the point of note sometimes. I also wanted to smile on the stage but I guess I was strained that I couldn’t smile from the deep inside. Someday, I want to be a person who can express everything on the stage no matter what the response is. Just like the lyrics, Esta soy yo.

Now! Take a hear(?) at it!

2011년 11월 9일 수요일


What I want to review is a naver webtoon, "Samdanhapche Kim Chang Nam" which means, "Triunification Kim Chang Nam". The writer is "Ha Il Gwon" who have drawn best of best webtoons: "An nara suma nara(Abracadabra)", "The god of Bath", "Palpitation-thump,thump,thump" and etc. In my opinion, "Samdanhapche Kim Chang Nam" is the best among all other webtoons, and also among his own works. 

This is SF Youthhood comic as the teenagers are main characters, leading the story.
This webtoon contains humor in accordance with sadness, impression and warmth.
Also reminds us of the world, darkened with countercurrent to what the world supposed to be. The people who are warm and right, get hurt and considered weak and foolish in the basic sense. We get to discover contrasts in the robot and human; rasing the question what is really being a human.  Also small things, such as the true meaning of presents, are reconsidered when they are right but neglected easilty.

The factor to view the mistaken world in an effective way, the story has chosen two backgrounds:
1. The world in the future of advanced technology
2. The appearance of robot, "Sibore".

The main character, Lee Ho Gu is bullied seriously at school. He is a typical nerd who is ugly, poor, stupid, pure, kind, and warm. He always gets beaten by other boys and does as their orders even he doens't want to. The robot Sibore, becomes his seat partner. The robot Sibore is made to exam how robots can make relationship with human. So she has been programmed the very basic personality of human being. Even she is a robot, she absolutely looks like a normal girl. But she sounds robot, and the sentences she makes are machine-like; the content of her words are more human than human.

This webtoon makes us discover what the world is and how the world should be. Ho Gu figures no more lonliness even he is with a mass of metals who treats him the basic rights everyone should be receiving.

She is the robot Sibore who never smiles.

Other characters and episodes add souls to this story.

This is Ho Gu.

The Funny looking dog of Ho Gu and the cute little robot who does house work in Ho Gu's house. But this
robot is old and makes error a lot of times. Very funny and cute, though

They are people-policy leaders-who intervened in the project of Kim Chang Nam. However, they are trying to use the robot to kick people out of town to develop.

This man is really complicated; He had broken up with his wife because he loved maid robot in his house. As this happened, his daughter got hurt and learned not to smile forever. But then he's saying,
"You bastard is trying to use science just to fulfill your desire of money!"

The boy upside of the picture is Jae Min, who is also a nerd and bullied just like Ho Gu. By this character, we can learn the contradiction of being a weaker. The grandmother is Ho Gu's grandmother, and she makes readers cry. ㅠ.ㅠ  Really sad Grandma~

This is Min Woo, who was friends with Ho Gu in the past, but then... I am not supposed to spoil! But he... is also important in this story.

The girl on the right side is Yu Jin. I hate her seriously!

Crazy man who tries to use Sibore as moneymaker. Also sexual toy.

The daughter who never smiles because of her crazy father above.
I really recommend people to read this webtoon. I don't think that comic books don't have any value to read. Comic books can actually show more than a book. It contains a lot of significance, philosophy, point of view, emotional sensation. It's hard to express everything you feel actually. Maybe because my ability is not enough for that. Also, as the novel, 'the body' says, it diminishes when you make it into words.

This webtoon is not everytime serious; it also has fun and light parts.

Using the purity of Bore and Hogu

That is an error in program ( the situation was really funny )

The Ho gu's life

Sometimes fogging our heart,
But not losing the sense of humor.

Other bloggers say that this is really a great work that this must be made into movie.
I also agree with this. But I'd rather choose to make it into animation movie rather than using actors.

                     these cuts are when the world famous people were acclaiming about the invention of
robot in Seoul "Kim Chang Nam"  They are Edison, Bal gates(changed from Bill gates), Ainsuthain (changed form of Einstein), Night brohters (the Wright brothers)

The drawings are also pretty nice and high quality.

The drawings are very "Korean". Not so loud, but natural and sweet.

One of the lines I like:

= Is there cheap and expensive in human's emotion?

Worth to read : 10
Structure of story : 9
specialty : 7
Rate of focusing : 9.5
♥♡                 ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡                                       

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Three Words


When sunshine twinkles upon the eyes, you approach me with a warm smile. Then I'll greet you with a shy smile, which feels awkward all the time. I want to fly all around your soul just like wind. You can never cut or catch wind that softly embraces all around. Like a dolphine, I will sing and swim secretly all around you as in a fairytale. The flower blooms in my heart; outwardly it looks humble and weak. But when you open, you will see the red passion and true beauty of me like a fig.

2011년 11월 3일 목요일

New Ted Writing Assignment - lying to oneself

Watching this video, I thought the job of liespotter is funny. The existence of liespotter shows how people desire to reach the truth and not get deceived. The difference between truth and false is very ambiguous and furtive to assert certainly. At first, I tried to write about lies, the overall notion, but then I realized that this topic would be too generous and hackneyed to practice the structuralizing skill. Suddenly, I came up with another topic-lying to oneself- and felt auspicious! So I begin:

Lying is a cooperative act in the unit of social activity. Willful lies are usually made to enhance amity or mitigate the burden of being servile to others. However, some bad lies form discords and usually are incessant to cut off- especially when one is lying to oneself to fake the discord as conciliatory, which is actually futile.

First of all, in an evolutionary point of view, people can protect themselves by distorting the fact during the process of perception. Since the world is consisted of diverse ideas, it is inevitable to face a situation hard to handle with one’s provincial view. Not to get hurt by the slice gap of perception and reality, which is usually crucial for the receptor, people deny the fact and deliberately blur their sight impossible to discriminate the fact and the mistaken perception. Therefore, people start to dig in the lie, trying to neglect reality, alleviating the hurt.

Secondly, people lie to themselves to believe that the situation isn't that bad, also it's not all the person's fault. People who lie to themselves are afraid of thrill aroused in their hearts. The thrill occurs when the person has got mixed with the world and the desire secretly buried in one’s heart, and after the mixing process, people can see the creation a profound emotion in a vague sense, but conspicuous enough that can’t be condoned easily. Even though people who lie to themselves recognize this flutter, they are too weak to break their prison and begin a new life; rather, they fear to face the shabbiness of their own and keep on believing in fallacious picture of their sweet lies. 

In short, people lie to evade the actualities and make a false reality as their fence. When people face a harsh situation to bear and not avoidable, they have to, or naturally lie to repress the remorse down. However, even we lie, the situation doesn't belittle; we just try to believe that way. At the moment of flagrant event, if we hold up our tension and have mind set up, we can overcome the situation. As an old saying, if we keep our mind, we can keep our breath even we are in a cave of tiger.  

2011년 10월 29일 토요일

What was on the Mr.Moon's facebook

I don't recommend that you ask questions in your essays - even if you mean them rhetorically - but I just loved the way this student started his/her essay. So much so I am posting it here:

"Have you ever seen a sunflower heading towards the golden sun, full of respect and purity? That clear eye of the sunflower is above Nirvana, beyond Samsara, inscribing Dhammapada with fire. A great leader - leading his generation or the world - should contain the 'sunflower eye.'

This was my essay! I feel good to see this on Mr.Moon's face book! Next time, I mustn't ask question in my essay. But I still can't understand the exact reason why it isn't allowed.

Reading Journal - The Body - the first 30 pages

The beautiful legacy of The Body is the very first paragraph that describes the precious words which were buried deeply in our heart, and when those were; those also were elusive and unseen. I think almost people are not aware of the fact that the most things are the hardest things to say. I was about to cry when I read this paragraph, just like I got consolation of figuring out why the world looked so sad. Words diminish and shrinks the limitless light, unable to catch, by turning the facts into no more than living size. Even if everyone reads this paragraph, the secret will stay locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.

I grew up and I am still growing. The age of 17 approaches me more like a little girl than an adult, who doesn’t know how high one can jump and how harsh the wave of the world is. The power of 17 comes out from the fact that 17 doesn’t know and begins to open the eyes. They get hurts a lot by storm of worries, hardships, and mistakes- as adults express the 17, an age of storm and gale. I love the age 17, but actually it’s hard to love the truth that you’re at the age 17. Even the age-12 going on 13- was much lower than 17 in The Body, I somehow felt circulation or situation of apprehension that overlaps with me in some way- which I’ll get sure by the end of this story.

With intense individuality, the 4 main characters start a journey of finding the dead body; a journey to fall from innocence and get near to the corruption as turning to 13. They crashed out to the shallowness of the society from their own world of small house up in the elm tree that divided them from themselves and the world outside. When we are at the age of 12 or 13, we all have a world for just our childhood, sharing only with the close friends. No one can understand the small world, and the members in there feel strong solidarity that makes them feel like they can survive on an uninhabited island if they’ve got each other. I discovered this relationship among them as thick as their unconscious anger toward their family. However, the construction of world out of friendship might add more sorrow when turning into an attacker from a defender of the gross world. The deeper you get obsessed of, the harder you try to get out.

I’ve read until the short story told by Gordy during their journey. The story is getting more excited and complicated. Stephen King slowly reveals the characters with impact of each line they say. They behave exactly like innocent teenage boys; they joke dirty, play naughty, and think uniquely. I want to keep an eye on them and reveal how they reach the end of the story with conclusion. I want to see the reflection of myself through the story and get comfort of my age 17.

I still see some coincidence with the story The shawshank as I keep moving sentence by sentence. The code of American culture which was Rita Hayworth or Raquel Welch in Shawshank, in The Body, it is the songs to reveal the cultural code of the generation. The seasonal background, summer, provokes curiosity how the author will draw autumn from summer, similar with Shawshank pulled the sense of spring from different seasonal background, just by the story itself. I’ll keep reading and see how my emotion changed with the first 30pages reading journal.


Figuring the Manito Out

Student #1

Yesterday, the Manito play had ended by revealing all the matches. And now, I’m reading a small essay about Manito in the newspaper of KMLA, indulging in reminiscence of all the episodes related to my Manito.

'Manito' has been a great issue in KMLA. I once heard that Manito is an Italian word that means secret angel or unknown friend who helps certain person. I got a message from number '1004', the Manito, who has written a sweet sentence for me. 

As I read the first paragraph, I started to doubt if my Manito was really an angel; not as a good meaning but in a sense of nonexistence with mysterious ability.  

Although, the message was very simple, I was delighted to start a day smiling by the message. I also have sent cheering message for my Manitee-the one who has me as one’s Manito- and that made me feel joy of being a Manito. ‘Manito’ system seems to delight both of the roles: role of being a Manito and having a Manito. What is the true value or meaning of Manito?

As the word ‘message’ appeared, I remembered how strange all the messages from my Manito were. My Manito could be a devil, an angel or even an alien far from earth. My Manito predicted what will happen on that day and advised me how to avoid dangers or how to catch the chances without any mistakes. As all those predictions turned out to be true, I kept on wondering who my Manito would be-as revealed later, there was actually no one.

I guess a Manito is supposed to create a secret bond that connects two different, totally discrete people. Even though not recognizable, the person who receives messages or gifts from his Manito will feel blissful by the thought of someone taking care of him. Maybe a Manito, just like its meaning, is really an angel: hidden like one and benevolent like one.

I couldn’t feel the connection between me and my Manito even my Manito sent me a lot of messages and gifts. I thought all those presents were affectation without sincere care about me. My Manito always knew what I wanted and needed that he or she always gave me the one I desired for any reasons. My Manito should have been a benevolent one and a hidden one.

Most importantly, the last message from my Manito is the scariest one, now I figure out.

I like Manito system-it gives a hope that one may be saved from the status quo of loneliness. It gives even the geekest people the feeling that someone cares for them. If Manito system can give hope to the most excluded of our society, the sense of being ‘one’, and then there lies the hint to the solution of the problems we face.

Would you believe if the last message was exactly the same with the paragraph above and added with a short message saying, “Hey! Tomorrow you’ll have the Manito revelation without your Manito! This long paragraph is what I wrote and what you’ll see tomorrow! I thought it would be rude if I won’t let you know who I am, so let me give you a hint. I am here to destroy you, to get in reach of you and to make you feel happy.”

Manito seems fun and merely a game. However, Manito has rather great power of providing hopes and smiles. To interpret it backward, maybe people are lonely just as much as to want for some cheering messages. If we could be somehow Manitos to each other all the time, KMLA will be in an ecstasy of hope. 

As I finish the whole essay, I feel some kind of real end of my Manito relationship. I have all the messages from Manito including the gifts. I can’t really get the meaning of the hint he sent me. The hint is so contradictory of saying; he or she tried to destroy me by making me feel happy. To underestimate the accomplishment of his plan, I’ll say he had failed. First of all, I wasn’t happy with his every messages or gifts. Secondly, I am not destroyed. His messages might not mean superficial meaning, and rather implicating profound signification.

I won’t allow my curiosity drive me in a condition of getting crazy at challenging to figure out the Manito since that would make me seem to be servile to the Manito. I will just skip the memory and live as I live-moving on to tomorrow.

 Student #2

Manito is such a weird thing as your emotion is totally different before you know who it is, and after you know who it was. I recommend you not to figure out who the Manito is if you want to keep the warmth or impression for a long time. I tell you this by my experience:

At the very first of this month, our school started Manito by picking up the paper randomly to match girls and boys. I’ve picked up a boy who I totally don’t know that I can’t have any feeling or plan of concept to treat him as a Manito. I wonder who got my lot and how he thinks or tries to handle it. I know it is stupid, but I started to imagine something foolish like the one I have a crush on picked my lot and sincerely treats me sweet that in the end we started to write a lovely story together that is just for between us- a sweet romance. I know this would never happen just by seeing the percentage of him getting my lot. If someone who doesn’t try to participate in this Manito has got my lot, I will be very sad and depressed in which there’s no one who can energize me.

But now I know that I didnt have to worry this but another: Not all nice Manitos remain sweet in the end.

You know what!! I’m such a lucky girl to have an awesome Manito! I love my Manito so much! I think I am going to fall in love with him if I figure him out! Every message from him is so sweet that makes my day beautiful! Every day, he sends me those sweet messages with a lot of cookies and cans of juice! He even gave me a big teddy bear doll that costs 10000 won! If I see friends around me, I cannot find better Manito than I’ve got. All of my roommates envy me and this makes me more enjoyable with the presents.

Every morning, I receive sweet messages from number 1004 such as,
“I can see you studying hard every time! I think you look lovely when you focus deeply on studying. Here are the beef jerky and warm caramel macchiato. Cheer up and I wish you break a leg on the math quiz on this Friday! Ah, also here are the cup noodles you love. Don’t skip lunch or dinner to keep your cute face^^ Sleep early and be happy~” that I can’t help liking him. How can you hate him if he cares me really delicately?

After Honjung, it’s really happy to check my mailbox if there’s present from Manito since I can get almost every day. Last time, there was a chocolate and an energy bar. I really like his sense of choosing the gift.

As time goes, I am getting so curious who the Manito is. Who can be that benevolent? I have no idea at all. But I promise whoever it is, I will show him how much I feel thankful by a lot of sweets and presents just as he had done.

To shortly inform, I didnt keep my promise.

Today, I will meet my Manito face to face and exchange the presents. As I was standing alone at the center of the hall, somebody poked my back. I turned around hearing the boy saying, “Hey, I was your Manito, the 1004.” He was holding out his hand with a pencil and an old looking diary.

I couldn’t feel any pleasure of receiving and I couldn’t figure out any great sense of choosing the gift like before; rather, I was unpleasant to get an old looking diary which seemed to be used. I shortly said, thanks, and turned coldly, without any warm facial expression.

You might think me as a really bad girl. How dare I dont even show a little sincere appreciation? But I am sure that everyone would have behaved as I had. He was the well-known boy as a nerd in my school. No one wants to talk with him or get related. The great silky mood I was in until yesterday was all gone at once. No romance, no impression, nothing. As I read the messages from him again, I felt weird instead of getting touched. My heart froze and stopped beating fast by the gifts. I even feel like there was no such thing as Manito. Hes just a nerd, who cant give impression to others. Hes a nerdy nerd that my image will be ruined to have a sweet conversation with him. More than being a Manito, being a nerd cant be neglected.

Symptoms of Unrequited Love

 Before working with the metafiction, I translated this into English from Korean. This was once hot issue in the internet in the site Naver. This was actually 40 symptoms, but I deleted some that seemed to be duplicated of or overlapped with the before one.

I think this is quite interesting :

Symptoms of Unrequited Love

0.You are glad to hear the ringtone of the one you have a crush on.

1.    The words he inadvertently speaks out hurts your heart.

2.So you might hate him instantly.

3.But again, you can find yourself crushing on him when talking with him.

4.You sometimes play hard to get without any reason.

5.(On the messenger) Just to have a short 10 minute greeting or conversation  you wait for 3 hours.

6. At one moment, you prepare to leave him. But actually, he never ever have left you or been with you.

Thinking about him, you listen to pretty love songs. Then gradually turns to sad love songs.

8.You feel resented to hear the news that he has a new lover. At the same time, you regret not having confessed about your emotion.

9. Your emotion shimmers by every word he says.

10. Every night, you cry thinking about him.

11.If his Ms. right is far from you, you can’t help sighing deeply.

12. On the messenger, if he talks to you first, you go crazy.

13. It’s hard to delete his texts in the cellphone.

14. You’re all alone. Loving and waiting all alone.

15. All the songs about crush, are all your songs.

16.You promise yourself not to like him anymore as you want to see him right at the moment.

17. You wish if he could figure out your feeling before you tell him and confess to you first.

18. You pretend not to be sad at all when he talks about his girlfriend.

19. You delude yourself into believing he loves you too.

20. You think you erased him, but your heart beats again as you see him or receive messages from him.

21. You give greater meaning to his meticulous and unwittingly behaving actions.

22. You try to be pokerfaced in front of him. But as you turn your back, you smile a broad smile.

23. If you meet him accidently on a street, you keep imaging the scene the whole day.

24. You sympathize with these symptoms.

25. You cannot face him properly.

26. You can’t hate him even he makes you depressed.

27. You cry listening to the songs he loved.

28. Wherever you go, your head is filled with him.

29. At the times you feel down, you remind of the sweet memories with him to cheer up.

30. If he logs in the messenger, your heart starts to stump.

31. Feel painful and difficult.

32. You keep wishing stupid things.

33. You wish to see him in your dreams.

34. You can smile, laugh or cry if you think of him.

35. You feel a sense of inferiority about him, so seldom, you feel angry.

If you see a piece of nice writing, you think of him first.