2011년 11월 9일 수요일


What I want to review is a naver webtoon, "Samdanhapche Kim Chang Nam" which means, "Triunification Kim Chang Nam". The writer is "Ha Il Gwon" who have drawn best of best webtoons: "An nara suma nara(Abracadabra)", "The god of Bath", "Palpitation-thump,thump,thump" and etc. In my opinion, "Samdanhapche Kim Chang Nam" is the best among all other webtoons, and also among his own works. 

This is SF Youthhood comic as the teenagers are main characters, leading the story.
This webtoon contains humor in accordance with sadness, impression and warmth.
Also reminds us of the world, darkened with countercurrent to what the world supposed to be. The people who are warm and right, get hurt and considered weak and foolish in the basic sense. We get to discover contrasts in the robot and human; rasing the question what is really being a human.  Also small things, such as the true meaning of presents, are reconsidered when they are right but neglected easilty.

The factor to view the mistaken world in an effective way, the story has chosen two backgrounds:
1. The world in the future of advanced technology
2. The appearance of robot, "Sibore".

The main character, Lee Ho Gu is bullied seriously at school. He is a typical nerd who is ugly, poor, stupid, pure, kind, and warm. He always gets beaten by other boys and does as their orders even he doens't want to. The robot Sibore, becomes his seat partner. The robot Sibore is made to exam how robots can make relationship with human. So she has been programmed the very basic personality of human being. Even she is a robot, she absolutely looks like a normal girl. But she sounds robot, and the sentences she makes are machine-like; the content of her words are more human than human.

This webtoon makes us discover what the world is and how the world should be. Ho Gu figures no more lonliness even he is with a mass of metals who treats him the basic rights everyone should be receiving.

She is the robot Sibore who never smiles.

Other characters and episodes add souls to this story.

This is Ho Gu.

The Funny looking dog of Ho Gu and the cute little robot who does house work in Ho Gu's house. But this
robot is old and makes error a lot of times. Very funny and cute, though

They are people-policy leaders-who intervened in the project of Kim Chang Nam. However, they are trying to use the robot to kick people out of town to develop.

This man is really complicated; He had broken up with his wife because he loved maid robot in his house. As this happened, his daughter got hurt and learned not to smile forever. But then he's saying,
"You bastard is trying to use science just to fulfill your desire of money!"

The boy upside of the picture is Jae Min, who is also a nerd and bullied just like Ho Gu. By this character, we can learn the contradiction of being a weaker. The grandmother is Ho Gu's grandmother, and she makes readers cry. ㅠ.ㅠ  Really sad Grandma~

This is Min Woo, who was friends with Ho Gu in the past, but then... I am not supposed to spoil! But he... is also important in this story.

The girl on the right side is Yu Jin. I hate her seriously!

Crazy man who tries to use Sibore as moneymaker. Also sexual toy.

The daughter who never smiles because of her crazy father above.
I really recommend people to read this webtoon. I don't think that comic books don't have any value to read. Comic books can actually show more than a book. It contains a lot of significance, philosophy, point of view, emotional sensation. It's hard to express everything you feel actually. Maybe because my ability is not enough for that. Also, as the novel, 'the body' says, it diminishes when you make it into words.

This webtoon is not everytime serious; it also has fun and light parts.

Using the purity of Bore and Hogu

That is an error in program ( the situation was really funny )

The Ho gu's life

Sometimes fogging our heart,
But not losing the sense of humor.

Other bloggers say that this is really a great work that this must be made into movie.
I also agree with this. But I'd rather choose to make it into animation movie rather than using actors.

                     these cuts are when the world famous people were acclaiming about the invention of
robot in Seoul "Kim Chang Nam"  They are Edison, Bal gates(changed from Bill gates), Ainsuthain (changed form of Einstein), Night brohters (the Wright brothers)

The drawings are also pretty nice and high quality.

The drawings are very "Korean". Not so loud, but natural and sweet.

One of the lines I like:

= Is there cheap and expensive in human's emotion?

Worth to read : 10
Structure of story : 9
specialty : 7
Rate of focusing : 9.5
♥♡                 ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡        ♥♡                                       

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Three Words


When sunshine twinkles upon the eyes, you approach me with a warm smile. Then I'll greet you with a shy smile, which feels awkward all the time. I want to fly all around your soul just like wind. You can never cut or catch wind that softly embraces all around. Like a dolphine, I will sing and swim secretly all around you as in a fairytale. The flower blooms in my heart; outwardly it looks humble and weak. But when you open, you will see the red passion and true beauty of me like a fig.

2011년 11월 3일 목요일

New Ted Writing Assignment - lying to oneself

Watching this video, I thought the job of liespotter is funny. The existence of liespotter shows how people desire to reach the truth and not get deceived. The difference between truth and false is very ambiguous and furtive to assert certainly. At first, I tried to write about lies, the overall notion, but then I realized that this topic would be too generous and hackneyed to practice the structuralizing skill. Suddenly, I came up with another topic-lying to oneself- and felt auspicious! So I begin:

Lying is a cooperative act in the unit of social activity. Willful lies are usually made to enhance amity or mitigate the burden of being servile to others. However, some bad lies form discords and usually are incessant to cut off- especially when one is lying to oneself to fake the discord as conciliatory, which is actually futile.

First of all, in an evolutionary point of view, people can protect themselves by distorting the fact during the process of perception. Since the world is consisted of diverse ideas, it is inevitable to face a situation hard to handle with one’s provincial view. Not to get hurt by the slice gap of perception and reality, which is usually crucial for the receptor, people deny the fact and deliberately blur their sight impossible to discriminate the fact and the mistaken perception. Therefore, people start to dig in the lie, trying to neglect reality, alleviating the hurt.

Secondly, people lie to themselves to believe that the situation isn't that bad, also it's not all the person's fault. People who lie to themselves are afraid of thrill aroused in their hearts. The thrill occurs when the person has got mixed with the world and the desire secretly buried in one’s heart, and after the mixing process, people can see the creation a profound emotion in a vague sense, but conspicuous enough that can’t be condoned easily. Even though people who lie to themselves recognize this flutter, they are too weak to break their prison and begin a new life; rather, they fear to face the shabbiness of their own and keep on believing in fallacious picture of their sweet lies. 

In short, people lie to evade the actualities and make a false reality as their fence. When people face a harsh situation to bear and not avoidable, they have to, or naturally lie to repress the remorse down. However, even we lie, the situation doesn't belittle; we just try to believe that way. At the moment of flagrant event, if we hold up our tension and have mind set up, we can overcome the situation. As an old saying, if we keep our mind, we can keep our breath even we are in a cave of tiger.