2011년 9월 25일 일요일

The Shawshank Redemption Reading Journal

My favorite quotes-“Get busy living or get busy dying.”, “The excitement that only a free man can feel, a free man starting a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.”, “Only instead of holding a man, that cage held a tiger, and that tiger’s name was Hope.”, “I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.”-that still makes my heart beat and filled with tears of purity are springing up just reminding of the book. I think this story is the best way to describe the season, spring. Although this story doesn’t describe a flower garden or a number of beautiful butterflies, which symbolizes spring, this story reveals the most sensitive, yet important power of spring. The story recalls us of hope, bravery and life: the things that spring owns and brings out. Behind of the prison episode, we can peep into poetic moments and scents.

Friends and some insights of Stephen King on the internet introduced Stephen King as a great horror story writer, but I figured out that this story isn’t quite horror at all; nearer to something philosophical and humane. Philosophical for the aspects that asks the true meaning of hope and life, humane for the aspects that describes the very essential part of humans. Not just the story but also the style. Even though the vocabulary is rough in order to show the reality of prison society, each sentence isn’t dispassionate and stuffed. Rather, I felt calmness and will to deliver the story. For precise description, I think this story’s mood is not scary, but sorrowful that is bottled up of isolation and solitude to emphasize the faint existence of hope somewhere deep in us: just like spring.

Unreliable narrator Red views Andy with his own bias that through the way Red informs, we could look into the character Red. This correlation including the flow of story makes people insensible to the horror sources. A funny thing is that, as I share some of these characters’ way of their existence, I forget the fact that all of them are quite guileful men who committed heinous crime that I must fear in society. However, while reading, I liked each of them and felt pity. Beyond the awful system of prison-outwardly pretending that all those systems are for rehabilitation- I have included them as a part of my mind’s society that I would never do when I read news about hideous crimes in real life. I can’t explain why, but I think that’s one of the reasons why I felt warmth and hopes through this book. Red, who killed his wife intentionally, made best friends with Andy and kept all his secrets. On the contrary, people on the side of “justice” had driven Andy as a convict, partly because of Andy’s cold style that formed prejudice.

How would I have been if I were one of the prisoners? Some of the colloquial sentences, such as “Isn’t it?”, “I ask you?”, that Red throws to us make fall into the Shawshank, half being myself, half being Andy. The most painful emotion to human being is: loneliness. As brittle as a flower, as feeble as a dried leaf, people’s hearts collapse in front of loneliness. I am not sure if I could be brave enough to dig a hole of freedom embracing all those uncertain terrors. No one knows how Andy kept his mind up. What made him alive? What made him to have it all? Vague hint, hope is the only answer. A strong hope of desire to overcome the uncertainties was deep inside Andy’s heart.  His soul was strong enough not to get swayed by a small falling stone like a sea not like a pond. He was able to see through the things unseen.

           The most important things are unseen and hard to explain; vague, abstract but strong. Spring might seem to be like pastel-toned season, but since we strongly believe into existence of hope, spring is the richest season after all. Stephen King takes us hope by hope over all the seasons under on an imaginational novel. Indescribable warmth hugs our heart, blooming with hope. I hope people can sense hope as they hope. I hope people will realize the power of hope. So I hope, as I know the eternality of hope.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I haven't modified myself So lots of mistakes! (0ㅇ0)!!

2011년 9월 23일 금요일

Revision of assignment #1 - Myself as a Writer

     I love to write. Although, I am not a great writer, I love to write. To date, when I feel sad, I read books or write poems. For me, writing is an instrument to organize my thoughts and feelings. Writing is a window to figure out more about myself; and still, writing is a precious activity. I get inspired by others' writings, and I become inspired by my own writing. I like to uprising sense of inspiration by both a written piece of paper and the process of writing.

     When I was an elementary school student, I went to the Philippines, not to study English but to open my eyes to a bigger world. I have nice memories there with my foreign friends, whom I had difficulties becoming well acquainted with beyond the wall of language. I was in an ESL class which shows how awful my English was. The class was full of Koreans and I was one of them. Without any special reason, I was very eager to make foreign friends. However, there were a lot of obstacles: the wall of language and the different schedule of the classes. To overcome those obstacles, I started to write letters in English with a lot of cute drawings. I asked the teacher to correct the errors and kept sending them. I wrote every letter sincerely from the heart. Afterwards, when my English improved enough for normal class, I became best friends with the foreigner I kept exchanging letters with. Also in middle school, when I had troubles or something hard to explain face to face, I sent letters which improved my relationships. The more you trust in the power of writing, the more people become positively influenced.

     As the episodes show, adults say my writing is sentimental and warm. I think this warm style is the strength of my writing. Whereas, on the other hand, the warm style is also a thing to improve; the warmth mustn’t stop at being emotionally touching. The warmth must raise an emotive sensation and let readers feel the joy of realization. In addition, I need to improve writing essays which are argumentative,
analytic and critical. I also feel a need to improve structure. I hope I can make those improvements in this class. I want to learn a variety of expressions since I don’t have a fertile vocabulary. In Korean writing, I try to use impressive descriptions to evoke emotions using figurative language. In English, since it isn’t my mother tongue, I’m not used to writing with imaginative sentences. I also have to pour all my nerves to care about the grammar because I want to describe a high-ranking grammar. Without a watchful eye toward "English" while writing, the vocabulary and grammar might spin out of control. One by one, step by step, I want to get better and approach people with all kinds of precious emotion within my written work.

     The term paper I wrote during Mr. Johnson's class is what I am most proud of. I know it is a common essay, but the "Johnpaper" was my first term paper written completely in English. I learned a lot during the research. Just like the "Johnpaper", I hope I can make a worthwhile essay or any piece of writing which I will be truly proud of in this class. I want to learn about friends' lives through their writing as well. I want to give readers refreshing ideas toward life through my writing someday. I want to figure out meanings of every tiny little thing, and not become oblivious of precious and yet normal surroundings. I hope this class will focus more on the process of writing and improvement rather than the result or grade.
     Writing this assignment, a calm smile kisses my lips. I appreciate the chance to reminisce my life as a writer, even if I couldn’t write everything. I feel like I am going to love the class :)
I have revised my assignment as you have corrected:)(yay~) Thank you for your sincere advices. As I correct my own assignment here, I thought a trivial change can make big difference. I also have figured out some of my writing problems which I might have overlooked if not pointed out. Have a nice weekend~

Assignment #2: What are schools for?

“Draw me a sheep.” is a line of the little prince, who could see through the box-his imagination-of a sheep. The one who drew the box was a man who wanted to become a painter but had given up because of the adults who had instructed the man to study geography, history, arithmetic and grammar instead of art. Today, those adults have built the education system for the new generations to learn limited subjects and not create. Just like the man in the little prince, almost every student is pushed to become a ‘useful and rich person’ such as, lawyer and doctor. That is the present address of public education; killing the creativity and diversity. At this point, Ken Robinson throws a question: What are schools for?

First of all, at school, there’s no such thing as different answers but wrong answers. Mistakes can’t be accepted at any rate. No approval of different answers aggravates the atmosphere to restrain students’ creativity. Ken Robinson has mentioned, “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” to claim that people must be generous about mistakes for students to accept mistakes as experiences and processes of maturing. Students must raise their opinion by discussing to create new insights. As Robinson has pointed out, being wrong is not the same thing as being creative. But to come up with anything that isn’t conventional, adults must inscribe the fact that mistakes are not shameful to be done. We must provide an atmosphere that is provoking challenges.      

     Second, people must perceive all the subjects equally important. Ken Robinson criticized the hierarchy of subjects existing all over the world. Schools consider math and language to be the most important, secondly the humanity, science and at the bottom, the art and music. The hierarchy of subjects bans integration of subjects to have unique and insightful eye that will inspire others with creative blooming contents. By studying art, we can improve some other parts that can’t be improved by math or language. So is music. Art and music can fertilize our soul. We must open up the chances to learn music and art as math and language.

     Lastly, creativity comes from relaxed and open mind. However, students have lost their composure just to enter popular universities and to get higher score than others. The school has become too competitive rather than becoming cooperative. Since students are young, they are at the high point of energy. Every single cell is breathing and desiring to sense the world and contact with the surroundings. Students are oppressed under homework doing it dispassionately less leisure time taking. The school must let them make beautiful memories and reflect on their lives. Students need to travel and feel the nature. Especially, spare time to read, write and to focus on something they love will develop students’ creativity and ability to manage time by oneself. Students must search for their thirst of knowledge. Schools are too tightening the students by ordering assignments. We must make students feel released and trusted from adults. That’s the first step to make the creative ideas spring out from students.

     To sum up, creativity is a common thing that everyone is born with. But there are only few who keep the creativity without getting destroyed from the schools. I am not denying the importance of learning. One cannot develop to be creative without any knowledge on the base. What I want to point out is current system degrades creativity by only focusing on memorizing and getting tests in the process of informing. The focus must be turned to improve creativity while learning knowledge. There’s limitation when we learn and not create. Creativity is the true source of innovations that doesn’t limit human capability. If the little prince got educated on earth, he might lose his purity and ability to see through the box of his ideal sheep. I agree with Ken Robinson’s opinion that public school need to improve the education system for students have an original idea that has value: the creativity. Unordinary ideas that induces sensation must be built to touch the stars from the ground. The old generation must look through to new generation’s future and revolutionize the educational system to fit into their lives.

My life as a game - The Moon Assignment

Popular games, such as, Maple story, Crazy arcade, Facebook Tetris and Starcraft make people addicted to the virtual reality and keep thinking of the game’s scenario. Some challenging games provoke questions like how to get to the next level or how to make a better character. People enjoy those strives to get the answers and when they accomplish, people feel pleasure overflowing their emotion. That joy is the core charm of games and that is also why I am addicted to my game, my life. So let me introduce my game and share the game with you.

           The genre of my game is adventure: A heated competition that is woven of people’s hearts, which are sorrowfully weak and brittle. A large number of characters pour all the focus to the competition not to spin out of the society. I have engaged in the competition, the adventure too. But I play my game in a different way in which I try to be myself and explore through the risks. It’s a harsh and somewhat pitiful adventure that most people seem to miss the most important things, that is, unseen. But I know how beautiful my adventure is when figure out people who try to keep every moment as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise whether the moment is sad or lovely.

           The map of my game is ‘meeting’; encountering people. I love to get to know people’s lives. There’s no one who doesn’t deserve love when you dive into their lives. When I get acquainted with a new person, I always feel like the meeting was destined like a miracle. I appreciate every meeting, every people I know. All the lives are getting involved like a skein of thread in a small world to create bigger world. I love this map so much and I wish to keep on meeting new people making each of them special as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise.  

           The magical skill in my game is love. I collect powers by the damages of love. The skill of love is weird. It makes my adventure heavier but more valuable. The skill of love is neither weak nor strong; rather, a power that has transcended any other skills in a way people can’t recognize. The impact of this skill is strong, though. If I use this skill, I feel the happiness pumping up in a small pond somewhere in my heart. This skill turns me into a lonely leaf of autumn and sometimes the prettiest twinkle of dews. Love each love existing in every moment and seize them as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise.

           As I have introduced, my game is exciting and enjoyable including the aspects of sadness and harshness. At times, people playing the game get downhearted and wishes to give up and ‘game over’. However, there’s no end point to my game; no boss, no last level, no last quest. People keep asking how to get to the next level or how to make a better character. There’s no royal road or guide book in my game. I would advise them to face the adventure, to love meeting people and to love everything deeply. This game could never get finished without tears. Ironically, the tears make this game beautiful. Enjoy the game and yourself being as steady as a rocking horse, as subtle as a bruise.

2011년 9월 7일 수요일

Assignment #1 - Me as a Writer

I love to write. Although, I am not a great writer, I love to write. To date, when I felt sad, I read books or wrote poems. For me, writing was an instrument to organize my thoughts and feelings. Writing was a window to figure out more about myself; and still, writing is a precious activity for me. I get inspired by others' writings, and I get inspired by my own writing. I like to get inspired by both written piece of paper and the process of writing.

When I was an elementary school student, I went to the Philippines, not to study English but to open my eyes toward bigger world. I have nice memories in there with my foreign friends which I had difficulties to become well acquainted with beyond the wall of language. I was in the class of ESL which shows how awful my English was. The ESL class was full of Koreans and I was one of them. Without any special reason, I was very eager to make foreign friends. However, to make foreign friends, there were a lot of obstacles: the wall of language and the different schedule of the classes. To overcome those obstacles, I started to write letters in English with a lot of cute drawings. I asked the teacher to correct the errors and kept sending letters. I wrote every letter sincerely from the heart. Afterwards, when my English improved enough for normal class, I became the best friend of the foreigner I kept exchanging letters with. Also in middle school, when I had troubles or something hard to tell face to face with any friends, I sent letters which improved the relationship. The more you trust in power of writing, the more people get influenced.

As the episodes show, adults say my writing is sentimental and warm. I think the warm style is strength of my writing. Whereas, on the other hand, the warm style is also a thing to improve; the warmth mustn’t stop at emotionally touching. The warmth must raise an emotive sensation and let readers feel joy of realization. In addition I need to improve writing essays which are argumentative,
analytic and critical. I also feel the need of structural improvement. I wish I could make any improvements of my weaknesses in this class. I want to learn variety of expressions since I don’t have a fertile vocabulary. In Korean writing, I try to use impressive descriptions to evoke emotions using figurative languages. In English, since it isn’t my mother tongue, I’m not used to write with imaginative sentences. I also have to pour all my nerves to care about the grammar because I want to describe a high-ranking grammar. Without a watchful eye toward ‘English’ while writing, the vocabulary and grammar might spin out of control. One by one, step by step, I want to get better and approach people with all the kinds of precious emotion.

The term paper I wrote during the class of Mr. Johnson is what I am proud of the most. Honestly speaking, I am not so proud of my term paper. I know it is a common essay. But the 'Johnpaper' was my first term paper written in all English. I learned a lot during the research. Just like 'Johnpaper', I wish I could make a worthwhile essay or any piece of writing in this class which I will be truly proud of. I want to learn about friends' lives through their writing. I want to give the readers any refreshing idea toward life by my writing someday. I want to figure out meanings of every tiny little thing; not to become oblivious of my precious and normal surroundings. I hope this class would focus more on the process of writing and improvement than the result or grade. Writing this assignment, a calm smile kisses my lips. I appreciate to have a chance to reminisce my life as a writer even I couldn’t put everything, of course. I feel like I am going to love the class :)

my john paper :
Plato's cave
111112 Lee Ji Young 10b1
Imagine you are imprisoned in a cave. Your life having started from the cave, you don't have any idea about the out-side world. Your body is restrained that you cannot move freely. You can only see the shadows in front of you which are created by a blazing fire behind you. Since the shadows are everything you've ever thought of and known of, even though people from the real world try to enlighten you about the truth of shadows, you’ll feel uneasy about accepting the new fact. You will think the shadows are more realistic than the real things.
This time, people will lead you to the outside of the cave. At first, when your body is exposed to the sun, you won't be able to open your eyes by the brightness of the sun. You'll have to adapt to the brightness to distinguish things under the sun. The adaptation here means the practice of philosophical speculation, which is a requisite process to become a philosopher. Afterwards, firstly, you will see the shadows of things since you've lived a life stuck in the cave. Secondly, you will begin to see the night sky full of stars and an illuminating moon. Finally, you will see the sky in the afternoon and face the sun: the source of every other thing in the world, ruling the time and seasons. The recognition of the sun implies the enlightenment of the prisoners’ their ignorance toward their life. You will finally realize that the world you thought was just a cave: a small copy of the real. When you tell the people inside the cave about the real world, do you think your fellows are going to believe about the real world and that the shadows are not real?
This is what Plato's cave is all about. Plato compared the cave to our world and the outside world of the cave as ‘Idea [i: de: a]' according to his story, which means, the imprisoned prisoners are people who are living in this world, confused with truth and false. Plato thought separately of sensory world and the true world that people are deceived by their sense to think the untrue world as the true world. In bigger sense, the Idea is an ideal world and our world is a copy of the Idea. What kind of philosopher was Plato to think of Idea? How can we analyze “The Allegory of the Cave”?
Plato can be defined as a Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and creator of the Academy in Athens, which was the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato was born into an aristocratic position that he was available to receive the best education. Most of Plato’s philosophical works are in essay or dialogue form in which Socrates speaks with one or more students or audiences.
Socrates and Plato had to live in turbulent times since Athens was defeated by Sparta. Furthermore, Athens’s government was taken over by tyrants that political life of Athens was very unstable and shaky. Plato tried, however, to make a positive change in politic system of Athens until Socrates finally died unjustly by the sin that he made subversive impact on youth of Athens. Plato was so shocked and stunned by Socrates’s death that Plato withdrew from the public and devoted his life to writing, Academy and his philosophical development. The Academy lasted for almost a thousand years, which shows us how valuable Plato’s philosophical thoughts were considered.
Plato’s concepts are not easy to summarize in one word. But we can say Plato as a philosopher who has held the world of sense perception to be inferior to ideal entities that exist in a pure spiritual form in Idea. Plato’s thoughts of the sense perception and ideal entities freed people from the danger of sensory prison and sensory reward that may lead people to a life of corruption. Instead, Plato emphasized spiritual love rather than body and its pleasures.
Plato uses rhetorical techniques, which reveals his ideas very efficiently: dialogue, question-and-answer and allegory. Allegory, which is used in the cave theory, is a story in which the characters and situations represent things that we are trying to explain. In some way, allegory is a hard rhetorical technique to use since the user of allegory should find something fits the thing that is to be compared. Also, allegory is hard to sustain; thus, leading to a fail of convincing. The advantage of allegory is, however, that a complicated argument can be explained in a better and easier way that it will lead audiences to a point of realization.
But we must look through Plato’s own style and concepts beyond these techniques. Plato is using rhetorical devices quite well that even though he introduces difficult ideas, people can accept the ideas and contemplates about it. His simple, accessible and clear style seldom leads people to have troubles in understanding. Considering Plato’s works’ influence and reputation, we can still infer that Plato’s style is impressive and succinct.
“The Allegory of the Cave” is judged as a persuasive allegory through the centuries. “The Allegory of the Cave” is a nice challenge toward the pleasures of sensual life. “The Allegory of the Cave” has made a lot of effects on religious aim and mental enlightenment. For example, Christianity and other religions are in a similar system with the allegory of the cave, showing a close similarity to Plato’s about opinion to human sense. In addition, after some refining process of Plato’s thought, there came a new principle called Neo-Platonism, is still influential to modern days.
In “The Allegory of the Cave”, a thought experiment, the prisoners of the cave mistake the shadows on the wall to be the appearance of reality. The prisoners don't have any idea where the shadows come from. When we show them a shadow of a pencil, they'll say "there's a pencil" even though they are looking at the shadow of a pencil. This incident indicates that the words referred to an object in our language are not names of the physical objects that we see. They are actually names of notions of the things that we cannot see, things of which we can only be aware of with our mind. So our world is a lesser copy of the Idea, and our senses are not as credible as we believe. Plato's giving us the message that we should try to get near to the Idea. By approaching to the Idea, Plato says that we can be happier.
Now, let's organize the allegory of the cave in a conceptual approach. Draw a horizontal line. This line is the boundary between the two worlds, which Plato explained: under the line is the visible world and the above it is the intelligible world. Let's draw another line vertically across the horizontal line. The left side of the standard line we just drew is the existing world while the right side is the conscious world. To perceive the visible world, we need to use our sense; rather; to perceive the intelligible world, we should keep our base on rational reasons. The concept of thinking sensible aspect and intelligible aspect separately is called epistemology. Epistemology is dualistic ontology. The Greek word 'on to' is 'to be' in English which means that it is a philosophical consideration of existence. Since the visible world is made out of fakes, the people must try to perceive the intelligible world by practice of rational thinking ability.
In the picture, School of Athens, we can see Plato pointing up the sky with his second finger. This pose, pointing up the sky, describes Plato's philosophical characteristic exactly. Plato thought there's no truth in our world since everything changes and disappears someday. The truth, Idea of a thing, he depicts can only exist at the behind a thing, which is undergoing the process of forming, changing and disappearing. This is the Idea I have mentioned before. The concept of Idea has now developed into a philosophical norm of eternal and constant being. To exemplify the Idea in a different way, let's suppose there's a circle here drawn by a campus. Even though the circle looks very sleek, if we see the circle through a microscope, the line of the circle is rough and bumpy. No matter what we draw with, the result is always the same. Then can there be a perfect circle? No, as we know, there can't be a perfect circle. However, there is a perfect circle in the Idea's world with the existence of the circle's Idea. The Idea of circle can only be drawn in our mind fixed with all the major characteristics of a circle.
To exemplify in another way, when we talk about trees, we think of different types of trees but we understand what each other is saying regardless of the kind of the tree. This is because in our mind, we have the Idea of the trees that makes a tree a perfect tree that satisfies the main characteristic of a tree.
As we keep focusing on this theory, we face the need to raise some related questions. Is there an ideal truth? Can there be something absolute? How can we know something is absolute? These questions have been asked and challenged to get solution by a lot of philosophers until now. However, these questions can’t be solved since we are not god. From long ago people were curious if there is an absolute formula or theory. They regulated the characteristics of absolute truth with 5 basic qualities.
First of all, the absolute truth has to be perfect and categorical without any errors or mistakes. Secondly, the absolute truth must be universal. The absolute truth is open to realization to everything, which means, the absolute truth must be useful and accessible at any rate. The absolute truth isn’t limited to certain language or place. Third, the absolute truth should be eternal. From past, present until future, the absolute truth doesn’t take any omissions. Fourth, the absolute truth can be learned by everyone regardless of intelligence or position. Fifth, the absolute truth provides practical solutions to difficulties in our life. Plus, the absolute truth must provide the key of the universe. These characteristics of the absolute truth are why striving for the absolute truth is considered as an essential behavior.
As we have searched for the specialties of the absolute truth, we knew how Plato thought of Idea’s characteristics. For Plato, Idea cannot be observed by our senses but by our wise intellect. However, we face a contradictory here. We develop our intellect by sensual means. We must get through our senses to think intellectually. We also are affected by our knowledge and experiences. These environmental effects on us will promote different concepts individually. Also, a lot of errors are going to occur. Therefore, as Plato also had claimed, we can't know about Idea actually or to know Idea is very difficult.
As we can see there's limitation on our thinking ability, we somehow proved that we cannot reach the ideal. Although we cannot truly achieve the ideal, can we say that the ideal actually exists? If the ideal does exist, can the ideal affect us whereas we cannot be thoroughly aware of it? To this question, we might be able to say that the ideal does affect us. We try to figure out what the ideal is and try to get nearer to the ideal. Since the ideal affects us indirectly, can we still say that as an ideal since Plato said the Idea's ignorant and separated with our reality? But if the Idea can affect us, can we say that the Idea is separate from our reality?
We can find the concept of “The Allegory of the Cave” in the movie, “The Matrix”. “The Matrix” is popular by its fighting scene, which is very thrilling and exciting. But The Matrix has become a cultural code beyond a movie. The reason why The Matrix earned such great reputation is because The Matrix contains a great deal of philosophical ideas to discuss and study; The Matrix contains intellectual contents that “The Allegory of the Cave” has many parallels with The Matrix. The whole plot and theme is closely related to the concept of cave. As in “The Allegory of the Cave”, The Matrix presents the idea that the sensory world is merely a computer program that humans are plugged in. So the people who have been unplugged only know that their world is not real, which means the truth exists separately. Those, who don’t know about the real world, strongly believes their stimulated world as the reality. The plugged body can feel everything vividly that if you die in the plugged world, the body in reality also dies by the reaction of you in plugged world. By the setting of The Matrix, after watching The Matrix we fall into a deep contemplation whether to choose the plugged world or to choose the reality. This movie suggests us to choose the reality.
Even though “The Allegory of the Cave” is usually known as a notion of reliance on our sensory perception with the relation between truth and the world, “The Allegory of the Cave” is also a discussion of politics since it’s written in the book, The Republic, with the treatise on justice and the ideal government. In “The Allegory of the Cave”, the dialogue talks about ethical life and what is important beyond the world of sensory perception.
By this allegory, we can learn a lesson. In the cave, there's a shadow-puppet play in front of the fire so that the prisoners are going to watch the shadows. The shadows refer to virtual reality as we every day meet television, the virtual reality that has crept very deep in to our reality. We must try to come out of the virtual reality and must face the reality as well. As the prisoners, we are mixing up the reality with virtual reality. We don't even consider which is meaningful for our life. We must challenge to know the true reality. We have to break out of the frame tying us. Let's face the real world and let us cooperate with each other by going back to the cave to inform others about the reality.
We can also learn the lesson that our world still has to be improved. The ideal world is going so far from the true reality. We must try to make our world brighter and not to be obsessed of prejudice.
Plato’s cave is very affective to our life, considering the concept’s influence until now. The argument hasn’t ended. We must come to a lot of new points that will improve our life and thoughts. This norm is so popular that they also make it into some animation, and in philosophy classes teachers usually talk about this norm. Platonism will not end until we conquer the ideal.
Through a different window, we will see a different world. The philosophical argument will give us time to think in our busily rolling daily life. Contemplation will remind us of our life and the ideal of oneself. In a logical way, we can learn how to think critically and creatively. We'll figure out different notions every time, as we meet some different part of the self.
The effort and will trying to reach the Idea is the important and beautiful process regardless of the result in which, we’ll really reach to Idea or not. People want better world, imagining truthful world. The great try to achieve ideal world for all will never end. The process of trying to achieve the ideal world might be the Idea that will finally lead us to truthful world, not corrupted by sensory pleasures as Plato wanted.

The references
Book - 1. 50 philosophy ideas (you really need to know) by Ben Dupre / Publisher: Book Sales, Inc. (September 17, 2009) - (11.06.02)
2. Philosophy concert(철학 콘서트) by Hwang Gwang Woo (황광우) / Publisher: Woong Jin Ji Sik house - (11.06.02)
3. Philosophy concert 2(철학 콘서트 2) by Hwang Gwang Woo (황광우) / Publisher: Woong Jin Ji Sik house - (11.06.02)
Web -
1. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato/ - (11.06.01)
2. http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320/cave.htm- (11.06.01)
3. Journal: http://people.virginia.edu/~jrw3k/mediamatters/readings/cult_crit/Plato_Allegory.of.the.Cave.pdf - (11.06.04)

actually, I am not sure if this johnpaper file is the perfect version. It might be one of the process of revision.